Do you know where the recyclable materials go that you separate at home and at school?The most common is to go to a sorting plant, where collectors separate objects by type: glass, paper, metal or plastic. Thus, they help to send them back to each of the factories to be used again.But we dont always get it right in the separation ... and then some objects that shouldnt end up on the screening mat. How about knowing more about it and testing your skills by playing the scavenger?ReciclaKi is an initiative of the Akatu Institute, in partnership with Braskem.Want to learn even more about it?Get to know Edukatu -, the first learning network on the concepts and practices of conscious consumption and sustainability for elementary school students and teachers from all over Brazil. In the virtual space available there are learning circuits full of challenges for students to explore, exclusive content (videos, reports, lesson plans, activities and other games), as well as a virtual community to exchange ideas with other schools. The platform is an initiative of the Akatu Institute in partnership with Braskem, with the support of HP, Fundação Cargill, Sabesp, Costa Brava, KPMG and Grupo Mais Unidos, and with institutional support from the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Education.